Thursday, September 24, 2009

Apple Crisp

We have decided to have a cooking club of sorts. once a month we will learn how to make something new. share the recipes and collect them all in our own special recipe boxes.
That way, when we're on our own, everyone will already have a start to their own kitchen masterpieces.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baby Shower!

Yay! The Mom To Be is here! We're making a fleece blanket for the baby. Time for baby shower games, Match the baby names to the animals, guess what baby food this is, finish the nursery rhymes, and find the safety pins in the rice. Time for gifts and cake. (that's suppose to be a pacifier)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just For Fun

Ever wonder what you would look like if you went to school with your mom? Wonder no longer, here are some of the girls in our Young Women. Can you guess who they are?